
segunda-feira, 8 de novembro de 2010

A receipe for a good Businessplan

There are different interpretations why a Business Plan is needed.

1) to convince Investors to invest on your idea
2)Proof of good Planning

What Prof.Faltin suggests is that the value of a business plan is actually the Thinkprocess, that has to start by doing such a plan. The attempt to understand the market and then try to make a better proposal, to do a concept which offers more efficient Entepreneurial Design is CRUCIAL!

I actually like this interpretation more than to guess about financial amounts 3 or 5 years ahead.
Its like Lotto!

Anyway a plan should contain this:

1) Summary(which contains only important points from the rest)
2) Company description
3) Product description (business model)
4) Key Persons
5) Market analysis
6) Sales and Marketing
7) Production
8) Milestones
9) Budget(financial planning)
10) Finances

2) Company description
2.1 Date of creation and cause of the company
2.2 what can it do? Why is it good for Clients?
!!Facts and dont get philosophical!!!
2.3 Names of owners + capital in % of each
2.4Companys goals
long term vision
technical goals

3) Marketanalysis
3.1 Description of the market
3.2 defintion of the market
spacial (part of Germany,europe world)
whats our spectrum?
-description of the demand determinant factors
3.4 description of relevant Marketsegments
-Definition of Marketsegments(goal customers)
-Definition of Market tendencies
-description of Future evolution of the market
-From the market analysis deduct the sales output and the sales volume
3.2 What kind of customer problem is solved? or in our case what kind of needs are satisfied?
how is the problem solved until now?(what is the state of the art)
what is the new innovation?why is the problem better solved?
Who are our competitors?why are they so good?why are we better?
!!competition always exists,a customer is free to do what ever he wants it doesnt have to be neccesarily exaclty the same business.In other words even newspapers or the whole website are our competitors!!BUT we can concentrate on the most important ones.

4)Key People
education,special knowledge,practical work (technical knowledge,Market knowledge and customer contacts)
why are they good for our business
Extern People
special knowledge
what are their dues and why?

5) important numbers
for 3-5 years
volume of sales, profit and deficit, annual rate of return,Coworkers
6) Marketing
possible cooperations
aquisition of pilot customers

7)long-term goals

1 comentário:

  1. Yah :) is very important to any project to have a good and accurate has possible plan.
