
quinta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2010

About what we should ask ourselves critical questions!

1) What does the competition really offers?is it good enough?what do we offer that is that better?
2)Why would the user prefer us?what is the underlying magic?what are the barriers to enter in the market?
3)What is our target group?
4)how do we get from it what we want?
5)What is really YOUR motivation behind this? why are YOU doing that exactly?
6)how do we scale it and how do we keep it alive?
7)what do we want to achieve with our site?
8)why would a user stay on our site for hours?
9)what is our goal?

Please come up with more questions about our idea and write them down! it would do the innovation process more efficient and quicker!

defy the conventional and think different.Dont be afraid of polarizing people.

One important message from Guy Kawasaki "Dont let bozos get you down,follow your idea!!"

Some questions, we all should have clear answers to!

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